Saturday, June 12, 2010

What I've heard from you

Week Two
Wow. It’s been a great AND BUSY first two weeks serving as your Scout Executive for Boston Minuteman Council. I’d like this blog to provide a reflection of my first two weeks. Please respond and let me know if I’ve captured an accurate interpretation of YOUR PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS of the council.

What I’ve done:
I’ve met with just about every staff member for a one on one conversation, attended three district committee meetings, two roundtables, worked at Storer with the alumni, met individually with a dozen board members, and a specific key three meeting. Additionally, I’ve reviewed our financial position several times, held several discussions with the lodge leadership, Storer leadership, regional Scout leadership, marketing and communications volunteers, and many individual Scouters.

What I’ve learned:
Boston Minuteman is blessed with lots of strong, dedicated volunteers. It doesn’t take much to get the marketing folks excited about our marketing opportunities, the Storer folks excited about camp, the finance folks charged up about our financial performance, the district folks talking about their efforts for the upcoming Scouting year, and on and on. Obviously, we wouldn’t want it any other way. I can get pretty invigorated by my work in Scouting too, so I think we’ll be in for a electrifying journey together.

During these conversations, I do get a bunch of questions that start off “What are you going to do about …….” or “you should know ……” Of course after just two weeks, I don’t have much of a response. I’m just soaking it all in and writing notes to myself in my blackberry. (Seriously, I’m NOT texting someone when I write down your comments) The comments I capture tend to fall into two categories.

Things we do well
Things we need to improve

There are lots of things the council does well. Your comments tend to revolve around the people, the units and their individual strengths. Or simply the inherent strength of the Scouting. It’s already clear to me that certain people and their skills are assets to council operations. Some are staff, and some are volunteers. Those positive comments are generally delivered with a certain wistful expression that causes me to probe a little deeper.

The struggles are wide spread and delivered carefully. Some are facility oriented, (BEYOND the pool) some are big picture, marketing / communities’ perception etc. some are operational. Often the comments revolve around a fractured sense of “the council.” I feel as you are telling me, those involved in council activities / operations are working together and moving Scouting forward yet many volunteers and possible supporters are standing on the sidelines not participating.

Again, during my first few days and months I’m trying to serve as a mirror, does that reflection accurately portray your perception?

To further this discussion and provide opportunities to bring clarity to the collective observations I’ll be facilitating several group discussions / exercises over the summer. Each discussion will last roughly two hours. I’ll provide a format that will allow every single idea and observation a voice - and through the exercise you will collectively tell me - and through me the board - the priorities of the council. The results of these exercises will be boiled down to a document to be shared with all Scouters during September. Then in coordination with independent assessments your priorities will be brought forward to the board as the basis for our strategic plan. The planning process itself will contain additional opportunities for all Scouters to provide input.

Based on your initial comments it seems to me the general topics for our summer “priority conversations” should be:

Council support to volunteers and units
Council facilities (camps, buildings etc)
Council position in the media / community

I am planning to hold each conversation three times at various locations throughout the summer (including at Massasoit, Storer and Sayre). That’ll be nine meetings in total. I’ll publish a full calendar in my blog and on the council site next week.

Thanks again for everything you do in Scouting. See you this summer around the campfire.

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