Sunday, November 21, 2010

Board Retreat

Sorry it's been a while since I updated the Blog - it's been a very busy couple months. Just to keep us all up to speed: here are a few updates:

Thanks to "OC" John O'Connor our popcorn chairman and congratuations to the all the units who sold popcorn this season. Collectively your sales are up 16% typically a sign that membership may be trending upwards. Trails End has worked with us to provide additional recognition this year (all the cool ipads)!

Membership is a little slow most packs and troops have handed in their new member registrations - however many are still behind, please help by sendin in your applicatons asap So Marian can get the youth in before rechartering process begins. We anticipate some struggles with the new youth protection requirments, so please DON'T DELAY

The Salute to Scouting just exceeded $200,000 and with one month to go we are in good position to achieve our stretch goal of $300,000. Jeff LaBroad (our day camp director) has agreed to serve as "stage manager" for the event. He'll be reaching out to Scouts and leaders for some assistance regarding the visibility of the event.

We've conducted six reviews from the National office as part of our board retreat: Annual Review
Administrative Review
Sustainable Council Review
Scout Leaders Priorities
Properties Review
360 community review
Please feel free free to read these executive summaries and slides. Pease post your comments here - through the blog comments - so your comments and insight can be rolled into the decision process.

Each of these reviews was used during our board retreat to initiate dialouge and establish our dirction.

Scott Sanborn, our council president, opened the meeting by outlining our initial direction

1. We will live within our means
  • balance all three funds (operating, capital, endowment)
  • review camping properties and in context of service to the mission of Scouting
2. Re-engage volunteers at all levels of the organizations (from Parents to Board members)
  • improve internal communications and procedures
  • provide clear expecations and accountability for all board and council vlunteers
  • specific initiatives to engage new parents and leaders
  • continue with complete transparency
3. Re-introdue Scouting to our community
  • increase visiability of Scouting through PR and mass media
  • assist unit leaders to to increase visability of local programs
  • establish authentic Scouting in tough to serve communities
To help us put the accountable-measurable steps in place we will be launching two inititiatives:
1. The Strategic Plan lead by John Millerick and engaging volunteer at all levels over the next 9 months. The Strategic planning process should conclude late in the third quarter of 2011
2. The Properties Plan lead by Jim Kelley this process will also involve volunteers throughout the council. We anticipate the first report / recommendation to be presented to the board by mid June 2011.

The board retreat included 37 board members, two district chairs, two guests from the national office and three active unit leaders. We'll provide additional opportunities for other interested scouters to participate in the initial planning.