If you know me you know I am OK with learning (and failing) in the public space. The learning is more important the the embarrassment or the humiliation. Scouting needs to learn - so let me know if these posts, or the new BSABoston web site work (or where they miss the mark).
Facebook Post about the Red Sox and "Fixing what is broken" and "Restoring the faith"

Facebook Post about Innovation and Tradition
Some Regular Scout Updates
Camp Attendance was up this summer - in large part due to STEM Camp. The Camp Norse collaboration was very well received by our Cub Scout families. And we will be working with Annawon Council for 2014 too. Camp and Council management met last week and both parties feel we can make even more improvement in 2014.Boy Scout Day Camp was also a success 61 boys attended from all over the council. The advancement reports that went home with the boys were VERY well received and we anticipate learning from this model for all our Boy Scout programs.
TL Storer Boy Scout Camp received the most positive Scout and leader evaluations in over 5 years! The new Food Service was a huge hit and the camp staff energy and moral was noted consistently as a HUGE part of the success.
The initial responses about Cub Scout recruitment and Popcorn Sales seem to have re-bounded after a difficult 2012. We will keep a finger on the pulse of both campaigns every day and make adjustments as quickly as possible to ensure that all packs have a thriving new tiger den and the funds required to run a quality program for the 2013 - 2014 Scouting year.
The new Web Site contains all the training classes a troop, Pack or Crew could ever need to enhance their outdoor programs! Life Guard BSA course, Climbing instructor courses and Into to Outdoor Skills and many many more! Those training classes are linked to discounts for the pool, rock climbing and other "high cost" programs through the apprentice program.
Not only did we get a great piece in the Boston Herald this week. But we also got a nice ringing endorsement from the letters to the editor!
NEXT Edition for "Discussions around the campfire" will focus on "Sustainability is NOT the goal - it's a transitional step toward thriving!"
See you around the campfire.
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