Sunday, August 11, 2013

Here We Go!

After a decade of struggles Boston Minuteman Council is about to enter a new and final phase of re-vitalization. As this final chapter opens we can already see it's conclusion on the horizon.

We have been talking about the revitalization for the past few years, and we see it in different terms, Urban Scouting, SOAR, the balanced budget, the strategic plan etc. The basic premise of the revitalization has been for more than a series of projects. It's been a cultural shift and a change in how we see Scouting's future.

1. People want Scouting to thrive we simply have shift our paradigm to create an environment that brings new people and talent into the program.

2. Program First! While it took a little while to get things organized, shifted and re-purposed we can now look back and see SOAR, April STEM Camp, Boy Scout Day Camp, the improvements for Family Camp and all the weekend Programs at Sayre.

3.  Tough decisions - transparent and well thought out.
From the strategic plan and the debt elimination through all the smaller decisions about when, why and who takes on each initiative each decision was upfront and designed to leverage the next step. You can see the forward thinking at Norse when you use the catapults, or the tomahawk range at Sayre, or the archery range at Storer and the BB range at Sayre. Each project is linked and grows from the previous project. By having a long range plan and sticking with it - everyone benefits.

4. Optimism and Enthusiasm
- everyone in this program believes in the power of Scouting! By focusing on our positive common ground, each step in the process brings out the best in all of us

5. No one is perfect, but everyone is human. Everyone does the best they can. However, things still get dropped and sometimes we end up on the short end of the stick. Rather than falling to the blame trap of that person or entity chooses to do a poor job - we rise above it figure out the situation. As it turns out we often realize that the person is in the wrong spot, or the process needs to be updated. 

All this positivism spreads, and we can appreciate where we have come from. The battle to revitalize Scouting throughout Boston was not a battle over the debt (that's only part of it) it is a battle over the culture that caused the debt. It required a whole new way of looking at Scouting. We are not done yet - but we are close!
Look for lots of updates prior to Labor Day
1. Scouting for Food - a massive five council initiative to help eliminate hunger (at least temporarily) in our communities (Nov 2)
2. Outdoor Apprentice - look for program benefits and discounts for all units and year round outdoor adventures for all ages
3. Membership Growth - Back on track, 2012 was difficult let's regain those families and more than never joined in 2012
4. Leader in Child Safety - Scott Brown, past US Senator (and First Class Scout) has agreed to chair a state-wide child safety symposium for all youth serving non-profits and youth serving agencies. Boston Minuteman will serve as the host organization.
5. Winter Camp and Vacation Camp at Camp Sayre!
6. and more .... but we'll save a few announcements :)
Final Comment - there is a lot of work still to be done, I have no delusions about that. Each stumble is a learning exercise, and each learning exercise helps us get stronger. With our thin staff, I alternate between a 30,000 foot view and a deep-in-the-weeds view - so I can see the errors CLEAR AS DAY! I can also see the horizon, between both view points I thought I'd share the realistic / optimistic "heads up" about our future. See you around the campfire!

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